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Rearing Peckoltia sp L15, the real one from the Rio Xingu

L15 juvenile nach 2 Monaten

A brief summary of the rearing of Peckoltia sp. L15 from the Rio Xingu in an EHK from our Teknido product line

23 approx. 7-day-old larvae (approx. 12 mm long) were introduced into the EHK on 25 November 2017. They were fed 5 times a week with SAK-Spirulina, SAK-Mix and frozen food (Moina), but there were also always plenty of walnut leaves available as a snack. Maintenance work during this time: none apart from feeding.

On 27 January 2018, 23 juveniles in the size range 32-41 mm were collected, after 63 days there was a roughly estimated increase in mass from 0.54 g (23 x 0.023 g) to an impressive almost 16 g (23 x 0.68 g), i.e. almost a thirty-fold increase in biomass. The average growth rate was around 0.4 mm per day.