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Special offer: only this week (13.01.-19.01.2020): 1 free B&H rearing ring Ø 100 mm to every Fry Factory!


The set for rearing young fish – first incubate, then raise 🙂

To most aquarists the purchase price for the Fry Factory seems quite high, but the part is really worth every cent! At the beginning we were also … Read the rest “Special offer: only this week (13.01.-19.01.2020): 1 free B&H rearing ring Ø 100 mm to every Fry Factory!”

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Aquaristika – selling market 29.02.2020 in Leverkusen

Bookmark a date – First Leverkusen selling market in 2020

Aquaristika Leverkusen
now with new opening hours:
10:00 – 13:00 o’clock


Same as always:

Hauptstraße 150
51373 Leverkusen-Wiesdorf

!!! Attention – this time we have unfortunately no Read the rest “Aquaristika – selling market 29.02.2020 in Leverkusen”